
CORQ Higher Education Programme: Bath Spa University on using CORQ to develop modules and prepare students for industry

Posted by Johanna Andersson in

11 months ago

Bath Spa University became a CORQ subscriber in 2021 when the School of Art, Film and Media adopted our Enterprise platform. Leading the charge to integrate CORQ into daily teaching and research was Dr Rebecca Feasey, the subject leader for Media & Critical Studies. She also teaches the university’s Celebrity & Influencer Cultures module. 

Supported by CORQ’s daily insights, webinar programme and one-to-one sessions with our team, the intake to this module has almost doubled in a single academic year. The user base at Bath Spa has also expanded, with our platform now being adopted across three more courses: Marketing, Fashion Marketing & Management and Journalism & Publishing.

Dr Feasey signed up to CORQ initially to “balance robust and rigorous academic analysis with industry experiences and insights”. The subscription also allowed her to take a practical approach to the Celebrity & Influencer Culture module, devising tasks for students which they used CORQ to complete.


“I am able to set authentic assignments for my students, who are able to work with the full suite of CORQ campaigns, comments, analysis and interviews alongside their academic skills and expertise,” she said. 

While Dr Feasey noted CORQ’s daily insights “encourage academic debate”, the influencer database has played a strong role in how she designs the course. Assignments have included analysing CORQ’s unique journalistic influencer profiles, considering construction of popular images and looking at the power of personal branding. 

Dr Feasey advised fellow course leaders buying a CORQ subscription to ensure they schedule bespoke seminars for their students, which are included in the cost. She said her internal pitch for budget to have the platform was “very easy” as the experience she has created for students will benefit them greatly in the long-run. 

“We need to support our graduates with future employability skills and networking opportunities, and CORQ offers both in abundance,” she said. “The CORQ graduate insight webinars alone are worthy of attention.” 

Find more information on CORQ’s Higher Education subscription here and to schedule a demo, contact our universities coordinator Johanna Andersson on johanna@corq.studio.