
CORQ’s insider guide to working with influencers in Germany

This extensive report reveals the strategies growing communities and spiking engagement in the world’s third-largest economy.

This independent investigation into Germany’s influencer industry gives brands a clear guide to launching successful campaigns in the territory and data analysis revealing adverts driving audience engagement in 2024.

This report features:

  • The top 25 viral creator adverts of H1 2024.
  • Expert analyses by strategists and talent managers producing campaigns.
  • Creator interviews revealing how brands are helping them become global successes.
  • A rundown of Germany’s social media stars.

Key findings include:

  • German creators are overlaying their videos with English text while the audio and post captions are in German. Presumably this is to give content a better chance of appealing to a larger audience. Looking at the viral ads of the year, it’s working.
  • Creators are accelerating community growth through adopting WhatsApp Broadcast Channels. However, it is worth noting there is “platform fatigue” and newer propositions such as Threads lack appeal. 
  • The rules when it comes to signposting commercial content by creators in Germany.

Additional reading:

This report is available exclusively to CORQ members. Login to download your copy now or find out more about accessing CORQ here.

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